33 Gems: Wisdom for Living Pieces of Life’s Puzzle
By: Sharon T. Freeman, Ph.D.
Published 2018
The 33 essays included in this book share “gems of wisdom” of people whose voices may otherwise have not been heard, but that are as valuable and tradable as any currency in the world.
When a 77 year-old current ultra-marathon runner tells you how she designed her life to “age agelessly”, it’s worth reading. When the first African American County Executive of Montgomery County shares the secret to his success in building a consensus across all ethnic groups and constituencies in the county, it’s worth reading. When a man who was raised in one of America’s toughest ghettos in Baltimore who was called “Mumbles” because of a speech impediment rises to become one of the great entrepreneurs in America and a sought-after speaker around the world, it’s worth reading. In fact, every story is unique and worth reading and guarantees to share a new perspective and approach to resizing and reshaping pieces of the puzzle of life that makes it all fit and makes for lives worth living.